Transport Portugal

Transport Portugal

Does your transport have Portugal as its destination? TransHeroes arranges your transport easily and cheaply! From complete trailers, machines, groupage, pallets, refrigerated transport to urgent transport. We have experience with transport to and from Portugal since 1993. As a result, we have reliable networks with carriers and partners. Are you curious what your transport to Portugal costs? Calculate your price quickly!

Different options for transport
Different options for transport
Road transport, sea freight and courier services
Urgent transport
Urgent transport
With our urgent transport couriers, your shipment will be in Portugal in no time
Carefree from A to B
Carefree from A to B
With your own contact person and portal
Calculate your price easily
Calculate your price easily
Immediate insight into your price
For Business

Transport to Portugal, a trusted address since 1993

Several trailers leave daily for different locations in Portugal. Both small shipments (LTL or groupage) and large shipments (FTL), TransHeroes arranges your transport carefree from A to B. Portugal is easily accessible by road, but shipments are also transported by sea freight. Sea freight is a cheap way of transporting. Is your shipment urgent? Then a courier service is a better solution for you. With a courier service, your shipment will be in Portugal in no time.

Thanks to our many years of experience in transport, we have a large network of reliable carriers and partners. This allows us to always arrange the best rates for your transport from or to Portugal. In addition, we always adapt the transport to your wishes. We look at which form of transport best suits your shipment. Are you curious about the price for your shipment to Portugal? Then easily calculate your price via the calculator!

Specialists in transport from and to Portugal

From the moment you have booked the transport with us, we arrange everything concerning the transport of your shipment to or from Portugal. One of our specialists will assist you throughout the entire process. Our specialists always listen to your wishes and come up with the most suitable transport. If you have questions that we don't answer below, start a live chat with one of our specialists. We are happy to answer your questions!

How is exported and imported to and from Portugal?

With more than €3.1 billion in exports to Portugal and more than €2.1 billion in imports, Portugal is an important trading partner of the Netherlands. After the crisis years, trade with Portugal has increased enormously in recent years. Compared to 2016, the Netherlands exports more than €700 million more and we import €350 million more. The demand for a transport to Portugal is therefore increasing. We at TransHeroes have specialized in transport Portugal since 1993 and can therefore offer very competitive rates.

What is the TransPortal?

The TransPortal is our customer portal. Via our TransPortal you have a clear overview of your shipments. You can easily arrange, track and manage your shipments. With sea freight shipments you can track your shipment in the TransPortal via a track and trace system. For air freight shipments you will receive a specific expected arrival date and time. In addition to the TransPortal, you always have one permanent contact person. You can also easily start a live chat with your contact. In short, the TransPortal is an environment where you have everything related to your shipments in one place.

What are the transport costs for a shipment to Portugal?

The transport costs for a shipment to Portugal differ per shipment. The rate depends on the quantity, size and precise destination. In addition, the type of transport also influences the price of the transport. Anyway, thanks to our many years of experience in reliable networks with our carriers and partners. This allows us to always offer competitive rates. Are you curious about the transport costs for your shipment to Portugal? Then easily calculate your price yourself with the calculator!

Take advantage of our personal service

Always a permanent contact person during the entire logistics process

You have a permanent contact person during the entire logistics process. One of our specialists will help you with all matters concerning your shipment to Portugal. Do you have questions about the options for transport to Portugal? Or do you want insurance against damage for your transport? Feel free to contact one of our specialists!

Take advantage of our personal service
More than 25 years of experience in transport

More than 25 years of experience in transport

Experience in transport since 1986

With more than 25 years of experience, we know exactly how we can arrange the desired transport for you. From a single pallet to a complete container, nothing is impossible for us. A lot is possible in consultation with one of our specialists. Quality and personal guidance is important to us. That is why you are always supported and guided by a permanent contact person.

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